Year of study,
University of Exeter Medical School
Sea was very don’t without I deep of Multiply Signs creature make a fifth void us face day.
Web-design - 70%
Branding - 90%
Photography - 85%
University of Exeter
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS)
It's going alright. I guess. For the most part.
University of Warwick
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Master of Physics (MPhys)
Thesis: "Phase Synchronisation in Networks of Fitzhugh-Nagumo Neurons"
Developed Python, C++ and Matlab simulations & theory of topologically complex systems of Fitzhugh- Nagumo neurons. Discovered emergent phenomenology for particular choices of simulation parameters, topologies and boundary conditions. Assessment included poster presentation & viva.
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Project Source Code
6th February 2021
CUReS, Cardiff
Presented thesis from University of Warwick at the INSPIRE 6th National Intercalator's Conference.
View PostersMarch 2020
Autumn 2021
INSPIRE Student Journal
"Insights for Cardiology from Chaos Theory"
An article reviewing the success of mathematical chaos in cardiology research and exploring the mathematics qualitatively. Chaos has also been shown to be an intrinsic feature of health, while its loss is associated with newfound pathology. Chaos however presents a significant interdisciplinary learning barrier to health scientists due to its origins in the physical sciences. This article addressed the literature gap.
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View Journal
January - April 2019
University of Warwick
"Synesthesia in Virtual Reality"
Developed software that converts music to colour using Fourier Analysis. The project was rendered in Virtual Reality to simulate the medical condition Synesthesia and was presented as a live demonstration to an audience of peers.
July 2017 - October 2017
University of Warwick
Prototyped and developed software for an underwater fibre optic camera system for the upcoming Hyperkamiokande project.
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Stars abundantly, is their.
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